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  • Charlotte Tsang

勞工處最新職位空缺 - Internal IT

Internal IT / Technical Support Officer

Job Highlights

  • Higher Diploma or above in Computer Science

  • Minimum 3 years of information technology

  • ● Good team player

Job Description Responsibilities:

  • Provide full spectrum of in house IT support and troubleshooting on computer devices, AV system, video conferencing and handheld devices;

  • Perform hardware and software installation, maintenance, upgrade and replacement;

  • Provide network administration to all infrastructure components including firewall, switches, routers, FTP & VPN solution;

  • Responsible for the routine administration and maintenance of company server, network and security control, backup/restore, patch upgrade, system monitoring, health check, disaster recovery, etc;

  • Review and optimize existing IT system;

  • Assist to handle any ad-hoc projects upon requests by supervisor;

  • Provide instruction and training to colleagues.

LOFTER GROUP, one of the emerging property developers based in Hong Kong, is recognized as a young, energetic, and creative team in the market.


IT Support Technician

Value Platforms Limited is a Hong Kong based technology solution company. Responsibilities:

  • Project coordination and sales support on IT systems and electronics products

  • Provide sales support and prototyping, technical support, project coordination and delivery

  • Project outsource management and product certification

  • Work closely with customer and R&D team


  • Good communication and presentation skill

  • Good command of spoken and written Chinese and English

  • Working experience or formal training in electronics engineering, mechancial engineering, or software engineering

  • Travelling between HK and China is required

We offer 5-day work week, flexible working hours, bank holiday, annual leave, medical insurance, MPF and result bonus to the right candidate.

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iPhone 15:科技與藝術的完美邂逅

🌟 當手機不再只是通訊工具,而是成爲我們生活的一部分時,iPhone 15的出現無疑爲我們帶來了全新的體驗。 🌈 色彩與質感:iPhone 15的色彩選擇讓人眼前一亮,從柔粉色到深邃的黑色,每一種顔色都仿佛是大自然中的一抹亮色,爲你的生活增添無限可能。航空級鋁制外殼經過精心打磨,手感舒適且極具品質感,每一次觸摸都是一次享受。


1. 抑制投機炒作 額外印花稅的引入主要目的是遏制投機炒作行為,抑制房地產價格過快上漲。通過增加購買和轉售的成本,使投機客望而卻步,有助於穩定房價。 2. 降低市場交投熱度 額外印花稅的出台導致短期內整個物業市場的交易量大幅下降。買家和賣家的觀望情緒增強,市場交投熱度被有效降低。 3. 影響房地產開發 開發商在新盤推出時需要承擔額外的稅收成本,這增加了開發成本,可能導致部分計劃被暫緩或取消。從而影

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